Wednesday, December 14, 2016

TOPDRY Container Desiccant For Garments Against Mildew

The humidity in a container will go up and down throughout the voyage, as a result of changing temperature. If the temperature changes rapidly enough there are sure to be moisture risk, even if the container may be fairly dry. The central fact is that warm air can hold more moisture than cold air. That means that if warm air is cooled, it become more humid. And if it is cooled enough, some of the moisture may rain out and condense.
Such as container rain drip down onto the garments and cause damage, resulting peeling label, changing its color and generally looking unattractive. At other times it condenses directly on the polybag, say on the inside of the clothes package wrap, which is usually even more damaging. The salt water will change fabrics texture and stability become useless.

Even without any condensation, elevated humidity over a period of time is sufficient to cause damage. Many fabrics will mildew or discolor at a rather modest level of humidity of 60%. At higher levels of humidity, moulds will grow, labels will peel.

TOPDRY desiccant prevent condensation damage by reducing relative humidity
TOPDRY desiccants active ingredients are a combination of calcium chloride and binding agent. With a high water absorption capacity, TOPDRY desiccant absorb water vapour that is present in the air will turn to thick gel and will not leak or escape. By absorbing moisture in the surrounding air, the condensation damage can be avoided by TOPDRY container desiccant, which prevent the relative humidity inside the container from rising above 60% during transport and storage.

Superior package material
Each piece of TOPDRY desiccant is packed with double package protection, inner bag is composite membrane (composite membranes tight pore structure keeps even the smallest of particulate through the package, but the water vapour can through it freely). Outer package is non-woven to protect package inside and outside. Whats more, TOPDRY container desiccant are packed with PE bag individually.

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